Monday, November 20, 2006

Things Get Moving

Hello blog watchers, has been a busy day today at work but have managed to do some further research on different types of rickshaw. Now, I’ve been looking at loads of different types and Ben and I are both still unsure which we like. We really want to ditch the rickety old rickshaw feel and go with something cool, robust and modern looking. They will be our steads, or mules as they will become known, so it is important we get it right!! I have a favourite- the cycles maximus pedicab so I wrote to them earlier (that is the beauty of email, send this morning get the info in the afternoon) -

We are thinking of setting up a rickshaw company to provide free transport in our town -We are documenting the whole thing as we go as we want it to be model for other small towns.
We very much like your pedicab rickshaw, we are thinking of buying two. Can we come and visit on Saturday, have a look, try one out sort of thing? You'll even get to appear on the blog!!-
Then possibly we hope to go into bath and try out the service.
Hope you can help
Will and Ben

And they sent this reply-

Hi William

Saturday afternoon is fine. Shall we say 2 oclock?
Thank you and regards,
Ian Wood
Cycles Maximus

So looks like we’ll be able to try one of these bad boys out on Saturday!

It's my favourite one

In other news I have been doing some research into the Community Strategy Plan for our town and looks like we’re going to fit in perfectly!

Now it may seem like I’m doing an awful lot of this but it is not true, young Ben has been a busy bee and is drawing up working policies, this morning he sent an email to a lady in our local council, who will confirm lots of things for us, but it looks like it could be promising, a trail was run as part of a sustainable energy week sometime ago so its looking good.

I also wrote to Howies today ( to ask about the potential of using organic materials for stuff like uniforms and all that sort of garb!

I tell you what, whatever happens this is great fun, but the more we look into the idea the more we realise that we (two chaps from a small rural town) can actually make a difference and have an impact on how people think, and it’ll be free, and fun, and green, and honest.
