Fun Green and Honest - A unique endeavour into sustainable environmentally friendly travel.
We are two chaps with a great idea to give the people of our town a choice. A choice to be part of a solution to their own problems of pollution, congestion and recycling.
In short - Providing a pedal powered, zero emission taxi, freight and recycling service, keeping things simple and fun, honest and green.
This blog will document our journey, we want you to be a part of it.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Community owned cargo bikes in Hereford
So to add a little to what we are doing with our company and to what we see happening in places in Europe we want to see if it is possible to make cargo bikes (large capacity bicycles) accessible to the general public in Hereford. Maybe in other places to if the scheme works.
It looks like we have some support from a few folk in Hereford so to get the ball rolling we are going to do a couple of local events where we can bring the idea to the general public and get their thoughts.
On of them will be in High Town on Saturday the 13th, we'll have a bike there and some questions to ask people. Then the following Monday we're chairing a talk at the local h:energy festival at the Courtyard Hereford.
Community owned cargo bikes for inner city Hereford?
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