Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Visit from the Queen

So today was a big day in Hereford, the Queen and the DofE came to visit. There was a big old do going on on the playing fields and we were invited to be part of the Hereford marquee. 

We rustled up a selection of bikes to show the public and to hopefully catch the attention of the dignitaires. 

Everywhere was packed out so we got what space we could

 Chatted with the Mayor 

And got a glimpse of the Queen, the event was so big that they split the two of them up (like at school when you are a troublemaker).

 We had a visit from the DofE who got to sample the best of what Hereford had to offer.

 All in all it was an ace day and something we were really proud to be involved with 22000 people attended the event and we were lucky enough to be invited inside to see them.

Tom also got a rare day off work...

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