Monday, April 16, 2007

Look… we are doing it!!!

Well here we are the Monday after the first weekend, we covered over 220 kilometres and took over 300 customers, we worked in the nights and in the days, around the pubs, taking tourists on tours, dropping people home, you name it we did it!

We sweated buckets, ate like horses and put some serious effort into riding and we loved every single minute of it!

It started last Thursday night with our launch

We drew a big crowd and got a lovely response from everyone, I took my first customers for a ride!
Generally we had a fantastic time, spoke to lots of people who were supportive of what we have started and who wished us well. It was incredible, absolutely incredible, to think that we created something like this, put our minds and our hearts in and got this far in such a short amount of time. For a while we hadn’t seen it from other peoples eyes and this was a big eye opener.

So on Friday we started our first night in town.

It was really quiet until 10pm and then it was manic, we didn’t stop! Loads of short journeys and lots of people amazed at the new service available to them. It was a long night though and the legs were burning by the time we finished.

Saturday morning we eased ourselves in, tourism trips and things like that, stopping occasionally to rest up, chat to punters and soak up the atmosphere.

Saturday night was incredible, from 7pm we were rammed and it didn’t stop right through till midnight, the doormen were a great help telling people about our service and genrally spurring us on in our dark moments when the legs wanted to give up! The punters loved us we took hen parties.

Some loads were heavier than others.

But generally they all had a great time.

We cycled home that night with legs burning and lungs panting but with giant smiles on our faces, happy to have supplied a brand new service that was immediately popular and for it to have been so much fun.

Sunday morning was a low point for our bodies! Things needed to be done to keep us going, Ben snapped me ‘talc-ing up’, something which I believe was a life saver!

My mum had been a gem and dropped some flapjacks off for us on Friday night, those oats really kept us going so a big thank you Mum. We headed into town then and had a great day with the tourists and kids, we worked hard and loved the weather, all in all a great weekend!

So there we have it, we are up and running and its working, people love the service, they love the policy on tipping and we feel the same. As it has been from the start FUN, GREEN AND HONEST, we have enabled over 300 people to be green, enjoy themselves and learn about a new way of values based operation. For us it has been simply amazing. We couldn’t have done it without help though, The Council, Bulmers, The Courtyard, each other, our families, our friends, Howies, all of these folk have been there from the start and believed in the dream we had. For us that means more than any tip we get. So thank you to all of you.

We also have some website news- WE HAVE A WEBSITE!! CHECK IT OUT-

We hope you like it. Thank you again to everyone!

Will and Ben

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